Archive for the Contest Category


Posted in Contest on December 10, 2016 by YE1ZAT

Tahun 2016 akan segera berakhir. Melihat kilas balik pada 2016, Club Station asal Bekasi ini telah berkiprah pada kegiatan DX Contest dengan menyelesaikan 4 kontes dari yang seharusnya 6 kontes sebagaimana direncanakan di awal tahun. Kontes yang sudah dilalui oleh YE1ZAT dalam tahun 2016 antara lain CQ WPX RTTY, CQ WPX SSB, CQ WPX CW, dan CQ WW RTTY. Ada 2 kontes dalam kalender tahunan yang karena beberapa pertimbangan teknis, batal untuk diikuti oleh anggota tim, yaitu CQ WW SSB dan CQ WW CW.

Namun absennya YE1ZAT (ataupun YE1K) pada kedua kontes CQ WW SSB dan CQ WW CW di 2016, bukan berarti aktifitas kontes bagi anggota tim juga terhenti. Beberapa anggota tim antara lain YC1DPM, YC1ME, dan YD1DGZ sepakat untuk mengisi kevakuman tim dengan tetap berpartisipasi pada kedua kontes tersebut melalui homecall masing-masing (sekaligus pertama kalinya mereka berpartisipasi pada kontes tersebut dengan homecall, karena biasanya selalu bersama club station YE1ZAT ataupun contest station YE1K).

Dari keempat kontes yang sudah diselesaikan di 2016, hanya CQ WW RTTY yang belum selesai pada final log checking. Sementara untuk 3 kontes CQ WPX Series yaitu RTTY, SSB, dan CW, semuanya telah sampai pada publikasi hasil akhir.

Pada ketiga kontes tersebut, YE1ZAT berhasil membuat rekor baru untuk Oceania pada kategori multi-one low power yang kesemuanya dibuat pada tahun 2016.



Namun yang terasa paling berkesan dan membanggakan adalah prestasi yang didapat pada CQ WPX CW 2016. Di mana YE1ZAT tidak hanya menjadi yang terbaik di Oceania pada kategori Multi-One Low Power serta menorehkan rekor Oceania baru, namun tim ini juga berhasil menembus 3 besar dunia. Sehingga tidaklah terlalu berlebihan jika untuk CQ WPX Contest, apa yang telah dicapai oleh YE1ZAT di 2016 benar-benar melebihi target yang telah dicanangkan di awal tahun. Peringkat # 3 Dunia, suatu pencapaian yang sebenarnya belum dicanangkan oleh anggota tim, karena target tim sekaligus milestone di awal adalah memperbaiki pencapaian tahun lalu dan menjaga peringkat di level Oceania.


Sertifikat Kontes : #1 Indonesia, #1 Oceania, #3 Dunia

Sebenarnya, khusus pada mode CW ini, YE1ZAT telah berhasil menembus 8 besar Dunia yang diperoleh pada tahun sebelumnya 2015, dengan contest station saat itu masih berada di Gunung Malang. Namun apa yang telah dicapai pada 2016 ini bisa dikatakan sebagai suatu lompatan yang jauh dengan berhasil menembus peringkat # 3 Dunia, khususnya bagi anggota tim. Bagaimana tidak, contest station sudah pindah ke daerah urban di pinggiran Kota Bekasi di mana tentunya noise juga tidak serendah seperti saat di Gunung Malang.

Akan tetapi, tim berusaha melihat hal ini secara berbeda dan selalu berusaha untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda pula dalam menyikapi kondisi tersebut. Kerja keras tim, selalu evaluasi kekurangan, dan yang terpenting adalah kekeluargaan serta team work merupakan kunci dari apa yang sudah dicapai. Menyatukan individu-individu dengan berbagai latar belakang minat dan unique area of expertise untuk 1 target prestasi tim bukanlah hal mudah.


Proses untuk bisa tetap exist sampai ke tahap seperti saat ini bukanlah instan, melainkan terbentuk karena suatu rangkaian proses panjang yang berkesinambungan sejak 1999 dan konsisten sampai sekarang. Ya, sejak 1999 saat pertama kali “embrio” club station ini terbentuk dengan menggunakan Station Organisasi YC1ZTC, kemudian dengan nama YE1ZTC sampai kemudian berubah menjadi YE1ZAT di tahun 2005, sejak saat itulah club station ini selalu aktif dalam kegiatan kontes international. Dari generasi awal sampai ke generasi sekarang ini, prestasi international sudah diraih. Bukan semulus yang dibayangkan, melainkan selalu ada rintangan yang sempat membuat pasang surutnya eksistensi tim pada kegiatan kontes, baik teknis maupun non-teknis. Namun tim ini sudah membuktikan bahwa semua rintangan itu hanyalah tantangan agar tim ini bisa menyikapi dengan cara berbeda sehingga selalu berada pada level penampilan yang tinggi.

Semua itu terbentuk karena integritas yang sudah tertanam dengan baik, integritas ini muncul karena pembinaan yang baik, dan pembinaan yang baik ini muncul karena adanya mata rantai regenerasi yang tidak putus dan selalu berkesinambungan.

Kenapa penulis menggunakan istilah “embrio”  di atas? Karena keikutsertaan tim pada kontes international pertama kali adalah menggunakan Station Organisasi YC1ZTC. Dengan alasan tertentu, pembentukan sebuah club station adalah sesuatu yang tidak diperkenankan pada saat itu (rentang 1999 – 2000). Namun karena keinginan yang kuat untuk bisa berpartisipasi dan mengembangkan diri melalui ajang kontes international, beberapa Amatir Radio dari Bekasi berusaha “memberontak” dan “membandel” dengan tetap membawakan Station Organisasi untuk keperluan kontes DX. Beberapa di antara “pemberontak” itu bahkan masih aktif sampai saat ini yaitu YC1YCF (kemudian berubah menjadi YB1CCF dan terakhir sekarang YB1CF) serta YC1WAE (sekarang YB1KAR).

“Pemberontakan” yang dilakukan oleh AR Bekasi selama 2 tahun dari 1999 – 2000 dengan membawakan Station Organisasi YC1ZTC tersebut, dengan tentunya peralatan ala kadarnya, proses keying dan logging yang semuanya dilakukan secara manual (tidak seperti saat ini yang sudah semakin mudah dengan adanya logging software), akhirnya membuahkan hasil. “Kemelut internal” juga terkadang sering terjadi saat akan dilakukan pengiriman log ke panitia kontes, di mana masing-masing operator dengan paper log masing-masing, harus digabung menjadi 1 log yang nantinya akan dikirim, seringkali terjadi duplikasi, tulisan yang sama sekali tidak bisa dibaca pada log yang tentunya berpotensi untuk “wrong callsign in log”. Perdebatan kecil selalu terjadi, namun inilah yang akhirnya akan selalu indah untuk dikenang. Keterbatasan dan “pertengkaran” itu akhirnya membuahkan hasil bagi embrio club station ini dengan diperolehnya beberapa sertifikat international, salah satunya adalah Country Winner untuk CQ 160 CW Contest pada tahun 1999. Sayangnya, sertifikat kontes tersebut terkena “tumpahan kuah rendang” dan tidak bisa diselamatkan, dan tim sepakat untuk tidak memajangnya di Sekretariat ORARI Lokal Bekasi (cerita lucu).

Pembuktian yang coba dilakukan karena keinginan kuat untuk membentuk sebuah club station di Bekasi yang berawal dari suatu “pemberontakan” ini akhirnya berbuah manis. Atas dasar prestasi yang diperoleh selama 2 tahun tersebut, akhirnya ORDA Jabar menyetujui pembentukan Club Station Bekasi dan lahirlah YE1ZTC pada 2001 dan terus berkembang mengikuti dinamika organisasi sampai berubah menjadi YE1ZAT di tahun 2005.

Singkat kata, dari generasi ke generasi, selain 2 Amatir Radio yang penulis telah sebutkan di awal. Beberapa Amatir Radio yang telah berperan pada generasi awal Tim Kontes Bekasi antara lain :

  • YC1IBH / SK (eks YC1VBH) : OM Mumuh
  • YC1VBU / SK : OM Nelson
  • YC1AX (eks YC9VX) : OM Berce
  • YB1BOD (terakhir YB6LD / SK – OM Donni Sirait, beliau adalah eks YB6LD sebelum ke Bekasi, di Bekasi menggunakan Call Sign YB1BOD, sebelum akhir hayatnya beliau kembali lagi ke Call Area 6 dengan callsign yang lama YB6LD)
  • YB1HMN (eks YB1YMN) : OM Natsir

Pasang surut club station ini selama rentang tahun-tahun awal adalah bagian dari sejarah panjang tersebut yang mana penulis tidak mungkin menyebutkan semua Amatir Radio yang telah memberikan warna pada Club Station ini. Tercatat beberapa operator pada generasi berikutnya (Penulis mencoba untuk menyebutnya sebagai Generasi ke-2 di samping beberapa operator dari Generasi Awal yang masih ada), antara lain : YB1BAD (sekarang YE1AA), YB1NWP, YC1EME (sekarang YB1EME), YC1KAF dan YD1JZ.  Kemudian muncul YD1GCL (sekarang YF1DO) dan YC1MRI (sekarang YC1MR) yang berperan pada transisi ke generasi sekarang (Generasi ke-3).

Selain Operator Kontes, tidak lupa juga penulis mencatat beberapa Amatir Radio yang pernah turut berperan dalam memberikan support teknis pada club station ini, seperti : YB1PUR, YC1DYU (sekarang YB1DYU), YC1END, YC1MKB, YC1OKF, YD1CYF/SK, YD1EFT, YD1HTK, YD1LUX, YD1OLG, YD1OO, YD1ORZ, YE1BI, dan YD1ARM. Dan berbicara club station dari suatu organisasi tingkat lokal, tentunya tidak bisa lepas dari station organisasi itu sendiri. Dalam konteks ini, peran luar biasa yang selalu ditunjukkan oleh YB1JML (mantan ketua ORARI Lokal Bekasi) pada masa jatuh bangunnya club station, dalam mengakomodir minat dan keinginan para “pemberontak” untuk terus maju patut mendapatkan apresiasi dan tempat tersendiri dalam perjalanan club station.

Adapun pembagian dari generasi ke generasi untuk operator kontes ini sebenarnya tidaklah terlalu baku dan sangat mungkin timbul adanya perbedaan pendapat mengenai klasifikasi ini, namun tentunya bukanlah hal yang terlalu krusial untuk dipertentangkan. Penulis hanya berusaha untuk membagi generasi yang ada berdasarkan rentang periode serta peristiwa penting dalam perjalanan sejarah Club Station Bekasi, dan hal itu juga melalui diskusi dengan pelaku sejarah yang masih aktif.

Terlepas dari pembagian generasi ini yang mungkin agak sedikit subyektif karena alasan di atas, pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulis di sini hanyalah betapa pentingnya suatu proses regenerasi dan pembinaan yang berkesinambungan dalam suatu kegiatan berbasis hobi seperti bidang amatir radio pada umumnya dan bidang kontes pada khususnya.

Dalam kesempatan kali ini juga, tanpa mengesampingkan peran dari individu-individu AR generasi terdahulu yang masih aktif berperan di tim, penulis ingin memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi untuk YB1CF – OM Yoyon Suryana dan YB1KAR – OM Heri Suhaeri sebagai Amatir Radio di Bekasi yang mengawali kiprah club station ini dan masih tetap terus melakukan pembinaan sampai generasi yang sekarang.  17 tahun perjalanan yang penuh dengan pasang surut itu telah banyak menuai prestasi di tingkat international, bahkan sampai sekarang, dan jalan ini tidak akan pernah berujung, karena harapannya proses akan terus berlanjut.

Akan sangat banyak jika harus semuanya tertuang dalam tulisan kali ini, kekurangan pasti ada karena keterbatasan informasi penulis. Namun penulis akan mencoba untuk selalu melakukan update berdasarkan informasi terbaru jika memang ada masukan dari para Amatir Radio yang memang ikut menjadi saksi sejarah perjalanan ini.

Terkhir dari ulasan ini, tidak ada hal yang sangat istimewa dari Club Station Bekasi sehingga bisa mendapatkan prestasi seperti saat ini, dalam artian apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Club Station Bekasi, sangat mungkin untuk bisa dilakukan (bahkan dengan hasil yang bisa jadi jauh lebih baik) oleh Club Station dari lokal lain di Indonesia. Hanya dibutuhkan kerja keras, team work, dan integritas yang tinggi dari individu-individu pendukungnya serta dibungkus dengan proses regenerasi dan pembinaan berkelanjutan, itulah yang akan menjadi pembeda sebenarnya.


Posted in Contest on June 7, 2016 by YE1ZAT

Go to English Version


YE1ZAT telah menyelesaikan 3 DX Contest pada tahun 2016 yang kesemuanya adalah CQ WPX Contest. Diawali dengan CQ WPX RTTY di awal tahun, kemudian CQ WPX SSB di bulan Maret 2016, dan CQ WPX CW di akhir Mei 2016. Ketiga contest tersebut diikuti oleh YE1ZAT dengan kategori Multi-One Low Power.

Dari ketiganya, YE1ZAT masih memegang rekor Oceania untuk skor tertinggi yang kebetulan semuanya dibuat pada tahun 2015.

Di tahun 2016 ini, dengan pindahnya lokasi contest station dari yang sebelumnya di Gunung Malang, ke Grin Area Tambun, akan menarik tentunya untuk diamati apakah pencapaian yang sama bisa diperoleh tim di station yang baru tersebut. Berangkat dari kondisi ini, tim sepakat untuk tetap menggunakan kategori yang sama dengan target untuk memperbaiki rekor sendiri sekaligus menciptakan rekor oceania yang baru.


Skor akhir untuk kontes ini telah dipublikasikan. Dan seperti yang telah diprediksi sebelumnya, akhirnya YE1ZAT pada tahun 2016 berhasil memperbaiki rekor sendiri dan menciptakan rekor baru untuk Oceania. Target Tim akhirnya bisa terpenuhi dan merupakan awal yang baik di tahun 2016.


Gambar 1. YE1ZAT mengisi 2 slot Rekor Oceania untuk Multi-Operator pada Mode RTTY

Yang unik adalah perolehan skor yang diperoleh pada 2016 dengan kategori low power lebih tinggi dari pencapaian yang diperoleh pada 2007 dengan kategori berbeda di high power. Terlepas dari itu semua, tentunya menjadi suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagi tim untuk bisa mempertahankan prestasi ini dan akhirnya bisa menciptakan rekor baru untuk Oceania.

Tinggal menunggu apakah pada mode SSB dan CW, YE1ZAT bisa mendapatkan hasil yang bagus sebagaimana halnya yang telah diperoleh untuk RTTY. Sebagai baseline, pada mode SSB dan CW, untuk kategori multi-one low power, YE1ZAT juga masih memegang Rekor Oceania yang kebetulan semuanya diperoleh pada 2015.


Kans untuk memperbaiki rekor Oceania yang dibuat sebelumnya pada 2015 terbuka lebar bagi YE1ZAT.


Gambar 2. Rekor CQ WPX SSB untuk Oceania sampai 2015

Raw score yang diperoleh YE1ZAT pada 2016 melebihi pencapaian yang dilakukan oleh tim pada tahun sebelumnya. Meskipun baru raw score, namun berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya, hasil tidak terlalu berbeda jauh. Reduksi skor pasti ada, namun mudah-mudahan reduksi yang terjadi masih dalam range sesuai prediksi sebagaimana hasil pada kontes sebelumnya.

Raw Score CQ WPX SSB 2016

Gambar 3. Raw score untuk Oceania pada SSB Multi-Single Low Power

CQ WPX CW 2016

Merupakan seri penutup untuk kontes CQ WPX di tahun 2016, sekaligus ajang silaturrahmi tim menjelang Bulan Ramadhan yang akan tiba beberapa hari sesudah kontes, seluruh angota tim YE1ZAT berkumpul kembali di Station GA Tambun untuk mode CW.

2 hari menjelang kontes berlangsung, pada tanggal 26 Mei 2016, YC1MR – OM Kasmuri dan YF1DO – OM Danu menyempatkan waktu berkunjung ke lokasi station untuk memastikan semua hardware dalam kondisi siap pakai, sekaligus melakukan setup pada software. Untung saja mereka berdua melakukan pre use check ini, karena pada salah satu sistem antenna ditemukan masalah sehingga penunjukan SWR sangat tinggi. Dari troubleshoot yang dilakukan, akhirnya OM Kasmuri menemukan pin pada male connector di transmission line patah, dan akhirnya penggantian dilakukan pada connector tersebut sehingga penunjukan SWR kembali ke normal.

YF1DO and YC1MR_cq wpx cw 2016

Gambar 4. Kiri ke kanan : YF1DO dan YC1MR melakukan pre use check 2 hari sebelum kontes

Pelaksanaan kontes sendiri pada kali ini benar-benar berjalan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah didiskusikan. 2 pesawat digunakan selama kontes. Pesawat pertama digunakan sebagai pesawat utama, dan pesawat kedua hanya digunakan untuk melakukan scan terhadap band dan multiplier. Operator pada pesawat kedua ini memegang peranan penting untuk memberitahukan kepada operator pesawat utama pada band mana seharusnya contest station bekerja sesuai dengan kondisi propagasi sekaligus melakukan scanning untuk mencari station multiplier baru.

Pada awalnya, untuk pesawat scan digunakan IC-7100, namun pada hari ke-2, tim mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mencoba pesawat baru IC-7300. Kebetulan salah seorang rekan ORARI Lokal Bekasi YC1LDZ – OM Dicky, yang baru membeli perangkat tersebut, berkenan untuk meminjamkan perangkatnya yang baru dibuka dari bungkus untuk dicoba pada kontes ini.  Seluruh anggota tim mengucapkan terima kasih untuk OM Dicky, atas peminjaman IC-7300 yang benar-benar masih dalam kondisi baru dibuka dari bungkus, dan dicoba pertama kali untuk kontes.

 YC1KAF_cq wpx cw 2016

Gambar 5. YC1KAF – OM Terry

IC 7300 for CQ WPX CW Contest

Gambar 6. Pesawat baru IC-7300 yang digunakan selama kontes

YD1JZ_cq wpx cw 2016

Gambar 7. YD1JZ – OM Joz melakukan scanning dengan IC-7300


Gambar 8. Kiri ke kanan : YC1KAF – YC1ME – YC1DPM

Di akhir kontes, tim berhasil memperoleh skor akhir yang sangat menggembirakan 3,947,467. Sunguh merupakan suatu pencapaian yang luar biasa meskipun masih berupa raw score. Pencapaian ini sekaligus juga menjawab pertanyaan salah seorang anggota tim YC1ME pada 2 minggu sebelum kontes berlangsung, yang menanyakan apakah mungkin tim bisa memperoleh skor di atas 3.5 juta pada low power dengan lokasi station yang sudah tidak lagi berada di Gunung Malang.

Dan apa yang sudah ditunjukkan oleh tim berupa perencanaan dan strategi yang baik, implementasi dari strategi, serta tentunya integritas seluruh anggota tim yang sangat tinggi untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi ORARI Lokal Bekasi dalam kontes kali ini telah menjawab pertanyaan dari YC1ME tersebut.

Raw Score_cq wpx cw 2016

Gambar 9. Detail pencapaian di akhir kontest CQ WPX CW 2016

Melihat dari pencapaian yang sudah diperoleh selama kontes, sesuai dengan rencana dan strategi yang didiskusikan di awal, tim memang sangat fokus pada low band mengingat pada band ini, poin lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan high band. Bahkan saat 10 meter band cukup terbuka di hari pertama (Sabtu Sore), tim tidak terlalu antusias untuk mengejar pencapaian di band tersebut, sehingga pada saat yang bersamaan, dari hasil scanning pada pesawat ke-2 di mana 40 meter band mulai terbuka meskipun tidak terlalu banyak station bekerja saat itu, tim langsung berdiskusi dan memutuskan segera meninggalkan 10 meter band untuk CQ pada 40 meter band.

Hal ini cukup membuahkan hasil, meski di sela-sela local pirate station dengan power besar yang bekerja dengan phone pada segmen CW, perlahan mulai banyak station di 40 meter band yang bekerja dengan YE1ZAT. Memang kendala terbesar adalah keberadaan station yang bekerja dengan phone pada segmen CW tersebut, bahkan terkadang signal mereka menutup signal dari station yang bekerja dengan YE1ZAT di saat krusial, pertukaran report, sehingga tone dengan pesan NR ? atau AGN seringkali dikirimkan oleh operator pada saat bekerja di band ini. Namun kondisi ini tidak melemahkan semangat operator, dengan tetap fokus pada target yang harus dicapai sekaligus poin tinggi pada low band, operator tetap berusaha untuk bisa fokus bekerja di low band. Hasil yang diperoleh cukup membuktikan usaha ini.

Untuk 80 meter band, tidak banyak station yang bekerja dengan YE1ZAT, tercatat hanya 3 station pada log. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi band yang kurang begitu baik selama kontes berlangsung, sehingga tim segera mengambil keputusan untuk tidak fokus pada band ini agar tidak kehilangan peluang untuk mendapatkan poin dari band yang lain.

YC1KAF main_YC1ME scan

Gambar 10. Kiri ke kanan : YC1MR – YC1ME – YD1DGZ – YD1OLG – YF1DO – YC1KAF

Raw score telah dipublikasikan dan dengan pencapaian yang diperoleh oleh tim, peluang untuk memperbaiki Rekor Oceania atas nama sendiri sangat terbuka lebar dengan pencapaian ini.


Gambar 11. Rekor Oceania untuk Multi-One Low sampai 2015 oleh YE1ZAT

Tidak hanya berpeluang untuk memperbaiki rekor sendiri, bahkan pada kontes kali ini, untuk kategori Multi-One Low, YE1ZAT menempati posisi ke-3 Dunia untuk perolehan skor sementara. Suatu prestasi yang membanggakan khususnya bagi anggota Amatir Radio di Lokal Bekasi. Semoga hasil akhir nanti tidak jauh berbeda dengan raw score yang sudah dipublikasikan.

World Standings CQ WPX CW 2016_Raw Score

Gambar 12. YE1ZAT Raw Score menempati posisi-3 dunia untuk Multi-One Low pada CQ WPX 2016

Harapan lainnya adalah, ke depan, Club Station ORARI Lokal Bekasi masih bisa terus exist dengan prestasi dan semoga juga bisa menjadi pemicu bagi Club Station Lokal Lain di Indonesia untuk juga makin banyak yang berkiprah pada ajang DX Contest.

Terima kasih juga untuk YD1DOQ – YL Oki, yang sudah membuat masakan Nasi Rawon selama kontes berlangsung dan juga YD1DGZ – OM Hendar yang terus menjamin persediaan logistik selama kontes berlangsung di sela-sela aktifitas sebagai operator.


  1. YC1DPM – OM Awi
  2. YC1KAF – OM Terry
  3. YC1ME – OM Mawan
  4. YC1MR – OM Kasmuri
  5. YF1DO – OM Danu
  6. YD1DGZ – OM Hendar
  7. YD1DOQ – YL Oki
  8. YD1JZ – OM Joz
  9. YD1OLG – OM Oleng


English Version :


YE1ZAT had just accomplished 3 DX Contests in 2016 and they were part of CQ WPX Contest Series. Starting with CQ WPX RTTY in the beginning of the year, followed by CQ WPX SSB in March 2016, and CQ WPX CW at the end of May 2016 thereafter. The three contests altogether were participated by YE1ZAT in the Multi-One Low Power Category.

Of all contests with different modes above in Multi-One Low Power category, YE1ZAT still hold Oceania All Time Records and made in 2015.

In 2016, followed by station relocation that formerly located in Gunung Malang, to Grin area (GA) Tambun, it certainly be interesting to see if this team could gain same achievement in the new station with sama category. Based on the condition, team  agreed to go through the contest with same category, targeting to improve own record and set new Oceania Record for Multi-One Low Category.


As predicted before, final score of this contest eventually brought YE1ZAT improving their own record as well as setting New Oceania All Time Record. Very good start in 2016.

Unique thing revealed achievement in 2016 with Low Power Category even higher than those being achieved in 2007 with High Power Category. Apart from all mentioned above, this certainly become a pride to the team member to maintain achievement and set New Oceania Record.

We will see if in other modes SSB and CW, YE1ZAT could gain same result as RTTY. For baseline, in SSB and CW, Multi-One Low Category, likewise, YE1ZAT still hold Oceania All Time Records set in 2015.


Opportunity to improve Oceania Record made by YE1ZAT in 2015 was visible.

Raw score obtained by YE1ZAT in 2016 exceeded achievement made by team in the previous year. Despite of just a raw score being published, based on previous experience it should have reflected achievement as published for final with no big difference. Score reduction would certainly exist without no doubt, however, this reduction was expected to be within allowable range as predicted.

CQ WPX CW 2016

It was a closing contest of CQ WPX series in 2016, as well as team gathering moment prior to facing Holy Month Ramadhan in the next few days, all team member again got together in GA Station Tambun to take part in CW mode.

2 days prior to contest started, in May 26th 2016, YC1MR – OM Kasmuri and YF1DO – OM Danu spent their time to visit contest station and making necessary preparation for hardware and software to ensure that contest gear is ready. Fortunately, they came to verify things with pre use check, since they encountered problem on one of antenna system that exhibited high SWR. Further troubleshoot undertaken, OM Kasmuri eventually found broken pin of coax male connector, replacement was then carried out, hence SWR was just resumed back to normal.

The contest run as planned. 2 rigs were used in a contest. The first one was used as main rig while another one was used only for scanning on the bands as well as multipliers. 2nd rig operator played role in the game to inform main operator on which band should team worked based on propagation, likewise, scanned new multipliers worked during the period.

In the beginning of the contest, IC-7100 was used as 2nd rig, however, in Day-2, team had a chance to try newly launched rig IC-7300. It happened when one of Bekasi Chapter Member YC1LDZ – OM Dicky, was willing to lend his brand new rig and tested for contest purpose. Team was really grateful and would like to convey many thanks to OM Dicky for sort of opportunity in conducting equipment testing for contest.

At the end of contest, team could gain promising final score 3,947,467. It was a great achievement though still a raw score. This also answered a question raised by one of team member YC1ME 2 weeks prior to contest, whether team could get score above 3.5 millions with low power from station that no longer located in Gunung Malang.

What team had exhibited i.e. good planning and strategy, strategy implementation, and of course high integrity to deliver the best thing for ORARI, mainly Bekasi Chapter had answered sort of question eventually.

Raw Score_cq wpx cw 2016

What had been implemented and achieved during contest, was just exactly as planned and discussed in the beginning, where team paid focus on low band due to point wise. Even when 10 meters band was favorable in Day-1 (Saturday Evening), team did not expect to spend much time on this band. When scanning from 2nd rig revealed 40 m was open at the same time though not many stations working, snap decision was made by immediately switched the antenna to 40 meters and followed by CQ.

This attempt was successful. Despite the presence of local pirate station on 40 m with high power working with phone on CW segment, gradually YE1ZAT found many stations being worked. Well, that was a biggest handicap working on 40 with the presence of pirate station on phone, where sometimes their signal masked the station being worked in the very crucial moment, exchange report, resulted in too frequent tone sending with NR? or AGN sent by YE1ZAT Operator. However, this would not weaken spirit and team focus in having communication on low band. Resulted score had proven this.

On 80 meters, not many stations YE1ZAT worked with, only 3 stations being logged. This was due to unfavorable band condition during contest, therefore team took snap decision to leave this band right away in order not to loose points on other bands.

Raw score was just published and with kind of achievement, team might improve own record and set new Oceania All Time Records for Multi-One Low by YE1ZAT last year.


Not only have a chance in improving own record, even for this contest, with Multi-One Low Category, for the time being YE1ZAT finished 3rd position on World Contest Standings. What a great achievement exhibited by ORARI – Bekasi Chapter in DX Contest, and hopefully final score would not be reduced too much.

World Standings CQ WPX CW 2016_Raw Score

Also, we expect this ORARI Club Station will still keep exist in the future with great achievement and triggering other chapters in Indonesia to take part in DX Contest.

Thanks to YD1DOQ – YL Oki, who cooked and served us with delicious Nasi Rawon during contest, and also YD1DGZ – OM Hendar who kept maintaining availability of logistic supply while sneaking as Contest Operator.


Posted in Contest on February 27, 2016 by YE1ZAT

CQ WPX RTTY is the first contest agenda for YE1ZAT to take part in 2016. Team went through this event with promising result eventually.

Occupying new room though still in the same building where this station was built, had introduced new spirit to entire team member. At the end of January 2016, following renovation on previous operator’s room, all gears as well as transmission and electricity line hook up were undertaken and relocated to a new room at GA building. Afterward, when this relocation was accomplished, the first agenda was about to come in February 2016, CQ WPX RTTY Contest.

The target being set up was to break previous score achieved in the same contest last year (2015) with same category, Multi Operators Single Transmitter Low Power.

Apart from target settlement by team, one of team member, Danu YF1DO challenged us to reflect on past achievement in 2007 when former team could set Oceania Record 1,580,558 with high power as shown below :

Previous CQ WPX Record

We thought that nice to have it broken at the beginning, moreover this time we went with low power category powered up from an entry level rig Yaesu FT-450 barefoot. So that would be just a dream and we headed up for it but not to be piled on pressure to make it happened.

Three times power outage had been experienced by team, either planned and unplanned. The first one was due to massive lightning strike occurred around station area that forced us to put all electricity breaker off, while the other two were due to outage from electricity network. Those disruption occurred in Day-2 of contest with total loss time of 3 hours and 20 minutes. It was not expected situation indeed while we aimed to break our own record.


Off-Air period due to power outage

Situation was just about to change when we still had hopes upon all disruptions went away. All member’s passion and commitment even though with disruptions that followed, finally brought to the target achievement when at the end of the contest we scored higher than this team gained in 2007 with different category.


YC1MR in action during CQ WPX RTTY

Raw score of this contest result was just published and we will probably break our own record and set new Oceania Record as follow :

Raw Score Oceania Multi-Single Low 2016 CQ WPX RTTY

It was still just a raw score, and we will look forward to upcoming final score published, anyway. However, based on previous result and experience, the standings will not change significantly despite of potential change in actual score upon final review.

Below was situation when team enjoyed “nasi uduk” as breakfast after contest ended


Pic : Enjoying Breakfast

Other than complimentary to all operators involved, special thanks need to be conveyed to Kasmuri YC1MR, Oleng YD1OLG, and Rizal YD1ORZ for hooking up 7 elements tribanders and 3 el full size that made our FT-450 barefoot power efficiently transmitted very well. This entry level rig with all its limitation really talked a lot than ever been expected 🙂


Left to Right : YC1ME, YC1MR, YF1DO, YD1DGZ, YC1DPM

Now we believe that efficient antenna is the most powerful amplifier and play big role in a successful communication.

Heads up for upcoming CQ WPX SSB in March 2016.

CQ WW CW 2015

Posted in Contest on December 9, 2015 by YE1ZAT

It had been planned before that for the very first time, ORARI Lokal Bekasi (Local District of Bekasi) would participate the contest with 2 teams, YE1ZAT for Low Power and YE1K for High Power. Everything was completely prepared few days before as well as how coordination should be made to prevent interference each other during contest.

Pre-Contest Technical Meeting

On Friday, November 27 2015 @ 16:00 Local Time (09:00 UTC), all team members conducted a technical meeting. Many aspects were discussed herein :

  1. Whether 2 teams would participate in 2 different categories, this was outlined in several options
  2. Strategy and job assignment

First agenda in determining category should be resolved first since this would affect the strategy in the contest. Each of team member involving Old Generation and New Generation raised their opinion to which option should be taken in facing this. This was sort of team’s tradition that has been lasting for long. The good thing was contingency had been organized for any of options.

Technical Meeting 2

Pic 1. Left to Right : YD1DGZ, YC1MR, YC1DPM, YB1KAR, YD1DOQ, YC1ME, YF1DO (explained the strategy)

Voting was taken as way to take decision based on various considerations delivered by each team member. Having considered many aspects might coexist, eventually voting revealed YE1K for contest station with 1 category at this time (Multi-Two High Power).

Target being set by team was minimum 4000 QSOs or 5,500,000 minimum score.

After its vacuum for about 2 years in DX Contest, this was the first comeback of YE1K, merging the skill of Old Generation and New Generation.

Technical Meeting 3

(Pic. 2 Left to Right : YC1NWE, YB1CF, YC1KAF, YD1DGZ, YC1MR, YC1DPM, and YB1KAR)

This technical meeting was not only attended by present contest team member. To express support for contest team, we had a visit from YC1NWE (OM Toto) as one of Board Member in ORARI Lokal Bekasi, YB1NWP (OM Nyoman) as one of YE1K member, and YD1ARM (OM Aris) that became part of YE1K also.

Both YB1NWP and YD1ARM are well known as the most eligible technician here in the team. They had contributed a lot for the team and still actively engage mainly to those requiring technical decision based on their nature and area of expertise.

Within minutes just after technical meeting was closed, YB1PR (OM Faisal) and YB0QA (OM Erdius) came over and shared their experience as well as encouraging all team members prior to contest.


(Pic. 3 : YB1CF explained club station history to YC1NWE, YB0QA, and YB1PR)


(Pic. 4 : YC1DPM led team to pray together prior to contest)


(Pic.5 : Enjoying Sate Kambing and Sop Kambing)

One of the moment that had been waited by all team members was about to come…DINNER. Unlike previous 2 contests preparation at this station, this time we had special menu cooked and served by YD1DOQ, YL Oki who brought all dinner food and stuff from her place. Many thanks, Oki…all that you served were so tasteful, mainly Sop Kambing and Sate Kambing.


(Pic. 6 : YD1JZ, OM Joz (with glasses in front of monitor) explained team regarding tactical things should be paid with more concern, mainly due to Multi-Op with 2 Transmitters to be used was the first time contest category to all team members)



Pic. 7 : Just 90 minutes to go

Many aspects when taking Multi-Two Category should be taken into account. Good thing that YD1JZ and YF1DO managed these (hardware and networking) exceptionally well, days prior to D-Day. We were up to this point, with having all hardware as well as networking passed function test and loop check. What an outstanding job that resulted in outstanding setup. No surprise in Day-1 that would lead to contest disruption in term of hardware failure.


(Pic. 8 Left to Right : YF1DO, YC1ME, YB1CF, YC1KAR, YD1DGZ, YD1DOQ, YC1DPM, and YG1LZO)


Small incident occurred in starting Day-2 of Contest. One of the rig used for contest gear and probably the most demanded gear that this team member like to play with, Elecraft K3 experienced a problem. None of us but YD1JZ, OM Joz had in depth skills in how to explore all available menus and technical aspect of the rig. It happened when YC1ME started to operate this after his rest, he felt this rig behaved quite unusual compared to previous use. Soon afterward, troubleshoot was conducted by YF1DO, and he found that plastic cap at rig’s grounding lug melted and suddenly it switched off automatically.

…EUREKA…having routed the ground line to find the real culprit revealed loosened end point of this line and in contact with switching power supply was the root cause. We then decided to switch off all appliances and rearrange grounding system. Once all grounding system was completed and properly wired to prevent inadvertent contact that undesirable, things were powered up. Gotcha, this beautiful gun was back and normal, except a small plastic grounding lug cap that being melted must be replaced someday.

There was always new lesson learned that team always gained in every contest, this contest was no exception.


(Pic. 9 YD1DGZ and YB1KAR)


(Pic. 10 YC1KAF and YC1ME)

In general, propagation always plays a significant role in any on-the-air activity, and contest was no different situation that being affected. Team thought that 10 meters band was not favorable this time. This applied to all contestants where achievement on 10 meters band was not satisfying though.

This contest ended with final claimed score 5,356,233 of all 3796 QSOs. This was away of target set before.

Claimed Score CQWW 2015

(Pic. 11  Contest Claimed Result)

Post-Contest Technical Evaluation

Led by YB1CF, OM Yoyon, team conducted evaluation immediately an hour just after contest ended. First evaluation was raised by YD1JZ as he actively monitored from time to time the team progress over years as well as each operator progress.

Several things became his primary concerns :

  1. There are still some gaps need to be filled in by this team in the future as he thought that this team should achieve better than what was just gained. Not to mention technical aspects that might differ for each operator, non technical aspect concerning rest management was pointed out also.
  2. Progress of each operator, he delivered his opinion that some of us made good progress in performance but some degraded. It is certainly a human nature, but some affecting the performance should be manageable based on his opinion. Special complimentary was conveyed to YB1KAR as he made an outstanding progress. At the same time, YB1KAR shared his experience why he could manage this better compared to previous contest. One thing to be noted herein that he made absolutely well preparation through practice and exercise a month prior to contest. He led this by real example mainly to all team members. Despite along with YD1JZ, YC1KAF, and YB1CF, he is one of the experience team member, he felt that he still need more practice, practice, and practice, certainly need to be balanced with maintaining health prior to contest.
  3. Knowledge and skill transfer between Old Generation and New Generation Team.

Just like pre-contest technical meeting, each member had opportunity to share their mind related to what we had just gone through and what to improve in the future. For new generation team, as successor of YE1K someday,  this contest was a tool in bridging skill and knowledge transfer from senior. It takes long process for them to be in the same level and cannot be instantly achieved, but nothing is impossible. At least, from this contest, new generation had learned not limited to technical aspect but also non technical aspect that greatly affects end result.

Looking at big picture, very good thing that more Indonesian Amateur Radio Stations took part in this CW contest had evidently showed new enthusiast in enjoying this hobby. The doomsday prophecy that Morse Code is a dying art again…again ….and again proved to be false. This hobby will keep alive and occupying room in amateur radio.

CQ WW SSB 2015

Posted in Contest on October 27, 2015 by YE1ZAT

YE1ZAT again took part in CQWW SSB Contest 2015 from station in Grin Area, Tambun. Some troubles with contest gears occurred within contest period 24-25 October 2015.

Day-1 (24 October 2015)

Achievement up to first 8 hours evidently described the actual situation when only 100 QSOs could be managed following problem with tribanders antenna. In spite of propagation was favorable on 15m band during first 8 hours where QSOs were focused on DX station in north, however, above condition would not much help unless main problem was sorted out.

Upon all team members felt that something went wrong with current installed tribanders antenna, meanwhile that was not a good time to transmit on 40m, YE1ZAT contest coordinator Danu, YF1DO decided that game plan should be changed immediately by rectifying main root cause as soon as possible.

Soon afterward, Muri, YC1MR came with his crew along with some materials required to build new antenna for 10-15-20 meters band. Contest should move on, no matter problem still existed and not being rectified at the time. In order to maintain contest continuation, while some repairs were conducted on main antenna, team worked together in assembling temporary antenna.

CQWW SSB 2015_1

(Pic. 1: Emergency antenna preparation while main antenna required some repairs during contest)

This new temporary antenna was installed no higher than 6 meters above ground and certainly not much to be expected from kind of installation for DX purpose.

CQWW SSB 2015_2

(Pic. 2: Repair process on main antenna)

Problem seemed would not end, at around 12.00 UTC in the first day of contest (19.00 local time), power outage occurred in the station and surroundings resulted from electricity network trouble followed by computer hardware problem once power resumed to normal. This unwanted situation at least impacted to QSOs achievement.

Having 24 hours of contest in Day-1, team could only manage up to 267 QSOs, for sure this was not a good achievement.

Day-2 (25 October 2015)

Based upon what had been achieved in Day-1 of contest, it looked like impossible to meet number of QSO target that was setup during technical meeting few days prior to contest. During technical meeting, senior contest team member that also Station Owner Joz, YD1JZ and Contest Coordinator Danu, YF1DO during their briefing had set minimum 1000s QSO should be achieved by New Generation of YE1ZAT.

Team started Day-2 with very big gap to fulfill, it was not an easy job though.

CQWW SSB 2015_3

(Pic. 3: A visit from Senior Team Member Yoyon, YB1CF in Sunday Morning. Left to right : YD1DOQ, YB1CF, YC1ME, YD1DGZ, YC1DPM)

CQWW SSB 2015_4

(Pic. 4: Support conveyed by Dagun, YC1ARA and Hendrik, YD1CPP in Sunday Morning. They also brought special coffee well known here as “Luwak Coffee”. Left to Right : YC1DPM, YC1ARA, YD1DGZ, YC1ME, YD1CPP, and YD1DOQ)

Again and again, in Day-2, self same problem concerning power outage started to occur at 04.00 UTC (11.00 local time) with more severer impact than it was in previous day. The problem impacted to computer monitor to PC communication failure and some interface configuration change resulted in computer aided system deficiencies. This in turn led to manual logging system must be undertaken for few QSOs

With all gaps above, approximately 4 hours downtime required to cure the problem. Once all problems were completely rectified as well as logging system at 10.00 UTC (17.00 local time), team could only manage 483 QSO and had only 14 hours left to accomplish the contest with target to be met.

Given remaining time available, extraordinary efforts in meeting the target seemed to be possible when finally team could manage 803 QSOs at 14.00 UTC (21.00 local time), and just requiring 197 more QSOs.

CQWW SSB 2015_5

(Pic. 5: Sunday night local time with 10 hours remaining prior to end of contest)

Final Result

Antenna troubles, computer monitor problem, interface communication failure, and power outage were all finally manageable but point of concern herein was team spirit to achieve target being set. It was definitely nothing without willingness and commitment until finally at the end of entire contest duration, team could accomplish 1012 QSOs with claimed score 869,760.

No matter the result would be for this contest, considering all difficulties had been experienced by team, one thing that needed to be pointed out was related with spirit to fill some gaps as well as continuing the game under difficult situation. This was primary concern, and team had demonstrated it exceptionally well.

None who visited team’s station at the time would think that this target could be achieved after team experienced all consecutive troubles mentioned above during contest. Spirit and commitment would eventually take all, supported by good team work, hence things became possible.


Y E 1 K – Preparation for CQ WPX SSB 2013

Posted in Contest, DX Contest on March 14, 2013 by YE1ZAT

Towards the CQ contest series each station worldwide  will be prepared as best as possible as well as the Bekasi DX Contest Team, in time we will use call sign YE1K.

Collaboration to produce something better with amateur radio outside of Bekasi was also carried out, this time will collaborate with colleagues from YE0X.

One of our arrangements seen in the video clip below


Posted in Contest, DX Contest on February 18, 2013 by YE1ZAT

Y E 1 Z A T

Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
7           146     435   29
14         169     501   43
21         152     456   32
28           22      66     9
Total     489    1458  113

Score: 164,754


Radio : FT 1000 MP – 100 watts

Antenna : TH7DX & Dipole 40 M full size

ARRL – International DX Contest CW – 2013

Posted in Contest, DX, DX Contest, Pembinaan on February 17, 2013 by YE1ZAT

Kegiatan dan dinamika sebuah organisasi tentunya tidak terlepas dari pola pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh organisasi tersebut, demikian juga dengan Orari Lokal Bekasi yang berusaha untuk terus membina anggotanya untuk mengenal salah satu bentuk kegiatan radio amatir yaitu ‘dx contest’, sedang untuk kegiatan kontes nasional pembinaan dilakukan terutamanya pada salah satu kegiatan Lokal Bekasi yang sudah menjadi agenda nasional yaitu “Bekasi Merdeka Contest” pada bulan Agustus tiap tahun sejak tahun 1993.

Keikutsertaan pada contest ini dengan call sign YE1ZAT merupakan kontes internasional ke 4 yang diikuti oleh Orari Lokal Bekasi dari rencana 11 DX Contest sesuai dengan agenda pada kuartal pertama tahun 2013, memang merupakan sebuah tantangan dan memerlukan dedikasi serta semangat yang tinggi dari anggota dan terutama rekan-rekan pengurus periode ini karena minimal 2 kali dalam sebulan secara aktif berpartisipasi mewakili Amatir Radio Indonesia di kancah Internasional.

Pemilihan kategori Multi Single Low Power saat ini mempunyai beberapa tujuan yang hendak dicapai, dengan multi single tentunya pembinaan akan terlaksana dengan baik dimana masing-masing operator terutama bibit-bibit baru akan bisa merasakan untuk menjadi operator Bekasi DX Contest Club Station, sedangkan pemilihan low power akan lebih merasakan nuansa sebuah event besar bagaimana ‘handling running station’ hanya dengan 100 watt harus bisa menembus ke W-land dicelah-celah EU-zoo dan JA-z00.

Semoga apa yang menjadi harapan dan misi pengurus Orari Lokal Bekasi periode ini yang dimotori oleh rekan-rekan dari RadioLand bisa melahirkan bibit-bibit baru yang nantinya akan tumbuh untuk menyemarakan dan meramaikan kegiatan radio amatir Indonesia menjadi kenyataan.


Activities and dynamics of an organization must not be separated from the pattern of development carried out by the organization, as well as Orari local Bekasi who seek to continue to foster its members to recognize one form of amateur radio activity is “DX Contest”,  while a national contest looking for coaching activities conducted especially on one of the activities that have become Orari local as the national agenda “Bekasi Merdeka Contest” in August every year since 1993.

Participation in this contest with the call sign YE1ZAT as 4th an international contest which followed by Local Orari Bekasi DX Contest from 11 plans in accordance with the agenda in the first quarter of 2013. It is a big challenge and requires dedication and high morale of the members and especially the co-organizer of this period as at least twice a month actively participated representing Indonesia Amateur Radio on the International scene.

Selection of Multi Single Low Power category currently has several objectives to be achieved, with a single multi coaching course will be carried out well in which each operator mainly new seeds will be felt to be the operator of Bekasi DX Contest Club Station, while the selection of low-power would feel more of the feel of a big event how ‘handling station running’ with only 100 watts should be able to penetrate into the W-land over EU-zoo & JA-zoo.

Hopefully what the expectations and the mission board Orai Local Bekasi this period led by colleagues from RadioLand can give birth to new seeds that would later grow to enrich and enliven the Indonesian amateur radio activity into reality.


Posted in Contest, CQ WPX RTTY, DX, DX Contest with tags , , on February 14, 2013 by YE1ZAT

As the contest end we achieved the result as per previous posting, yes unfortunately we were not break our own record.

Not for excused but there some problems, the biggest is the power line not enough to handle our  amplifier, so almost half time running bear foot and the peak power was 300 watts also it seems the propagation not quiet good, opening to JA as usually our primary contact not as we predicted.

As per or log not so much station from YB-Land, the list in our log are YC6EI, YC2WMD, YB9WZJ, YB8EXL, YB1LZ, YB0NDT and it seem no others club station on the air in this contest.

Some pictures to explain the  contest situation.


QSO per band


Qso rate per Band

Qso rate per hours.

See you in the next contest.

YE1K on CQ WPX RTTY 2013

Posted in Contest, DX Contest on February 9, 2013 by YE1ZAT

For the first time Bekasi DX Contest Club signing as YE1K for CQ WPX RTTY 2013. Using short call sign during contest of course make us more comfortable than usual as YE1ZAT, even thought we are not leaving the previous call sign and we will using from time to time for member development program.

Can we make and achieve better result with this circumstances ? As you know It’s depend on several parameter that not in our control such as propagation, but as usual we are trying to do our best shot to make it happen.

Our goal this time is to break our own record as we were hold Oceania Record for Muti-Single Category (2007, Score 1.580.558, WPX 406).

Thanks to all whose make this contest call on the air.

See you in the contest !!